5 Uses for Solar Panels

solar panel water heater on a roof

Using solar panels on your home can benefit you in the long run. However, having solar panels can do a lot more than just provide energy to your home. You can use solar panels to provide energy to specific utilities used in or around your home. Here are 5 utilities you can pair up with your solar panels:

  1. Solar Heated Swimming Pool: Swimming pools create fun family time for kids and adults during the summer months. To help heat the pool on those cooler days you can use a solar blanket that floats over the water and absorbs the heat from the sun. However, if you want to get even better results you can install a solar water heating system. This system uses the solar panels on your roof to collect heat. It then transmits the heat to the water through tubes looping through the panels back to the pool. This gradually increases the water temperature in the pool like a conventional pool heater.
  2. Solar Water Heater: There are two types of solar water heating systems that can be used to replace traditional water heaters:  Active water heater systems and passive water heater systems. 
    1. Active solar hot water systems make use of mechanical circulating pumps. They circulate water or other fluids from rooftop heat collection panels into a storage tank. There is a direct circulation system and an indirect circulation system.
    2. Passive water heater systems have no mechanical pump components. They operate by the simple physics of heat naturally rising. Passive water heater systems are considerably cheaper than active systems, however, they are also less efficient. Further, this is a substantial investment. However, it can become quite cost-effective in the long run.
  3. Solar House Heating: If the homeowner is truly serious about renewable energy, they can consider solar house heating. This is a large investment, but can truly be beneficial in the long run. You can invest in hot water solar systems which are identical to how the swimming pool systems work. Further, you can invest in hot air solar systems. These systems gather the air beating down on the roof or exposed wall that has been heated by the sun. Then, it circulates the air through the home. Homes that use this system usually have a roof or siding installed that absorb heat. This system is a much more sophisticated version of the old-fashioned sunroom. 
  4. Charging Batteries: Basically, any device that operates on a battery can be charged with solar power via some type of photoelectric
    panel system. This is similar to your roof solar panels. Many basic and inexpensive solar panel kits have connections that allow you to plug in cell phones, pad devices, and laptops for direct charging.
  5. Solar Outdoor Lighting: You can provide your home with great outdoor lighting without the trouble or underground circuit wiring or transformers. You can install landscape lighting with each individual lighting fixture having its own solar cell and rechargeable battery. You might be thinking that these lights might turn out dim and unimpressive. However, because of new LED technology and improved batteries, these solar lights give off a significant amount of light. The solar cell charges the battery during the day leaving you with great lighting throughout the night without any wire connection.

If you’re serious about reducing your carbon footprint, don’t hesitate. Although it seems costly it will benefit you and your family in the long run. If you’re interested but don’t know where to start, call Surf Clean Energy at (866) 631-7873. Solar Panels are an extremely inexpensive way to get started and do your part in saving the environment.


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